Hastelloy alloy is a general term for the commercial grades of nickel-based corrosion-resistant alloys produced by Hastelloy International Inc. in the United States. It includes Hastelloy B-2 of nickel-molybdenum system and Hastelloy C-4 of nickel-chromium-molybdenum system. In this article, we’ll introduce the grades, properties, and applications of Hastelloy alloy.

Hastelloy Alloy
Hastelloy Alloy

Grades of Hastelloy Alloy:

The Hastelloy alloy includes the following grades:

  1. HASTELLOY B-2: nickel-molybdenum alloy with excellent corrosion resistance in reducing environments
  2. HASTELLOY B-3: an upgrade of B-2 with excellent corrosion resistance to hydrochloric acid at any temperature and concentration
  3. HASTELLOY C-4: good thermal stability and excellent toughness and corrosion resistance at temperatures between 650 and 1040 degrees Celsius
  4. HASTELLOY C-22: superior uniform corrosion resistance in oxidizing media compared to C-4 and C-276, excellent local corrosion resistance
  5. HASTELLOY C-276: good resistance to oxidation and moderate reduction corrosion, excellent stress corrosion resistance
  6. HASTELLOY C-2000: the most comprehensive corrosion-resistant alloy, with excellent uniform corrosion resistance in both oxidizing and reducing environments
  7. HASTELLOY G-35: an upgrade of G-30 with improved corrosion and thermal stability
  8. HASTELLOY G-30: a high chromium content nickel-based alloy with excellent performance in mixed acids such as phosphoric acid
  9. HASTELLOY X: combines high strength, oxidation resistance, and easy processing

Each grade has a specific chemical composition, mechanical properties, and individual advantages, so it cannot be generalized to say what characteristics Hastelloy alloys have.


① In both oxidizing and reducing environments, it has excellent corrosion resistance to most corrosive media.
② It has excellent resistance to pitting corrosion, crevice corrosion, and stress cracking corrosion.

Applications of Hastelloy Alloy:

Hastelloy alloy plate is suitable for various chemical industries containing oxidizing and reducing media. The higher content of molybdenum and chromium enables the alloy to resist chloride ion corrosion, and the tungsten further improves corrosion resistance.

At the same time, C-276 Hastelloy alloy tube is one of the few materials that can withstand corrosion by humid chlorine, hypochlorite salts, and chlorine dioxide solutions. It has significant corrosion resistance to high-concentration chloride solutions such as ferric chloride and cupric chloride.

Application areas: heat exchangers, bellows compensators, chemical equipment, flue gas desulfurization and denitrification, paper industry, aerospace applications, acidic environments.


It is mainly divided into B, C, G three series, which is mainly used in strongly corrosive media where ferrous Cr-Ni or Cr-Ni-Mo stainless steel and non-metallic materials cannot be used.
Hastelloy brand
In order to improve the corrosion resistance and hot and cold processing performance of Hastelloy alloy, Hastelloy alloy has been improved three times. Its development process is as follows:
B series: B→B-2(00Ni70Mo28)→B-3
C series: C→C-276(00Cr16Mo16W4)→C-4(00Cr16Mo16)→C-22(00Cr22Mo13W3)→C-2000(00Cr20Mo16)
G series: G→G-3(00Cr22Ni48Mo7Cu)→G-30(00Cr30Ni48Mo7Cu)
The most widely used materials are the second generation N10665(B-2), N10276(C-276), N06022(C-22), N06455(C-4) and N06985(G-3).

Mechanical Properties:

The mechanical properties of Hastelloy are very prominent, it has the characteristics of high strength and high toughness, so it has certain difficulty in machining, and its strain-hardening tendency is extremely strong. When the deformation rate reaches 15%, it is about twice that of 18-8 stainless steel. Hastelloy also has a medium temperature sensitization zone, and its sensitization tendency increases with the increase of deformation rate. When the temperature is high, Hastelloy is easy to absorb harmful elements, which reduces its mechanical properties and corrosion resistance.


Thank you for reading our article and we hope it can help you know grades, properties, and applications of Hastelloy alloy better. If you want to find more information about Hastelloy alloy, we’d advise you to visit Huaxiao Alloy. As a leading supplier of alloy products across the world, Huaxiao Alloy provides customers with high-quality Hastelloy C-22, Hastelloy C-276, and Hastelloy X at a very competitive price.

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